Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today is one those days that I feel so full of joy...it's like exploding from me. The sun is shining and I'm more grateful than ever for being able to be a (primarily) stay-at-home Mom and to be a mom to Simon. I am appreciating and enjoying my relationship with Simon so much. He's getting so communicative. He came to the kitchen to get me to show me a tower he had built with Eric last week and it melted me. The fruits of my labor to build this environment of trust and security are showing. He's learning to play more independently but he doesn't go too far without coming to check in with me. I could have never imagined the joys of parenting.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how grateful I am that I have not been angry about the miscarriage. I think we've dealt with it really well, so far. We've really accepted it and are still very hopeful. I still think about wanting another baby every day...every hour...well, a lot.

We close on our first home on Tuesday, a week from today! We are very excited and thankful as we look to the future. I have such mixed emotions about leaving CCU, esp after being the RD for five years. It's been so memorable and such an amazing time in our lives. I will miss so many things...the students, the community, the noises at all hours of the night. But I am so looking forward to a fenced in yard, a play room, a garage to pull into instead of having to walk 2 minutes to get to my car while carrying Simon. I am also hopeful to make some neighborhood friends.

Many things to look forward to...

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